
Jeungphill Hanne

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Associate Professor

Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Los Angeles


D. (Physics), University of California-Los Angeles

S.(Physics), University of California-Riverside

S.(Physics), Inha University

EXPERIENCE: Ohio State University



Dr. Jeungphill Hanne joined the Sichuan University Pittsburgh Institute in 2019 after performing the single molecule experiments (i.e., mainly executed by the TIRF system) on the biomedical science area at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center as a research associate. Prior, he served as a senior research scientist at LG Display co. ltd. Since his Ph.D. study in Physics is about another optical single molecule approach to the biomedical science study as well, his expertise mainly resides in Optics, Optical application, or Electrical application to the other fields (i.e., Biomedical Science, Optical Display, Bio/Biomedical Engineering).


1.Biomedical Science (Approached by the single molecule experiment)

2.Bio/Biomedical Engineering (Applied from the optical and electrical system)

3.Optical Engineering (Holographic image, or Holographic-like image display, 3D image)

4.Electrical Engineering


Physics, Electric Circuits, Quantum Mechanics, Electrical Engineering


1.Jeungphill Hanne, B. M. Britton, Park, J. Liu, J. Martin-Lopez, M. Schoffner, N. Jones, P. Klajner, R. Bundschuh,J-B. Lee and R. Fishel, “MutS homolog sliding clamps shield the DNA from binding proteins” Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 293 (37), 14285-14294, Aug. 2,(2018)

2.J. Liu, Jeungphill Hanne (equally contributed co-first author), B.M. Britton, J. Bennett, D. Kim, J.- B.Lee, R. Fishel, “Cascading MutS and MutL sliding clamps control DNA diffusion to activate mismatch repair” Nature, 539,583–587, Nov.24 (2016)