
Undergraduate Programs

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Computer Science

Computer Science students will study a scientific-practical approach to computers and their applications. Besides the basic knowledge of natural sciences such as mathematics, students will master the basic theory and relevant skills of computer sciences. Examples of what students will learn include computer systems, programming languages, computing theory, algorithms, databases, data analysis, etc. Jobs in computing and information technology are in high demand and offer high job satisfaction. Students with a degree in computer science are qualified to pursue a career in a wide variety of computing careers, such data analysis, data mining and data processing in information companies, industrial and commercial enterprises, financial institutions, scientific research institutes, government departments, etc. Our graduates could also be engaged in research as well as design work in the fields of games, interactive entertainment, film and television animation, and new media.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Students majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering will learn basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in electronic circuit design, semiconductor devices, signal processing and control, electromagnetics and power systems. They will receive systematic training in scientific research and experimental practice. Students will develop an ability to solve complex electrical engineering problems by applying the knowledge of engineering, science, and mathematics.

Industrial Engineering (IE)

Industrial Engineers improve the productivity and quality of integrated engineering systems. Such systems deal with machines, human beings, information, computers, and other resources. A variety techniques are used to design and operate these systems in the best way possible. Industrial engineering is a discipline offering a wide array of employment opportunities. The IE curriculum at SCUPI focuses on building the student’s capabilities in systems analysis and design in ways that cross traditional disciplinary lines to meet the demands of today’s dynamic social systems.


IEs are primarily concerned with two closely related issues: productivity and quality. They address these two issues by looking at integrated systems of machines, human beings, information, computers, and other resources. A variety of skills and techniques are used to design and operate such systems in the most productive way possible, while continuously improving them and maintaining the highest levels of quality.

Core Courses

SCUPI is offering courses for industrial engineering students who wish to gain a better understanding of systems, and how materials, machines, information, people and other resources are integrated to improve quality and productivity. The curriculum is arranged for those who would like to eventually move into managing engineering systems.

The core courses are: Engineering Economic Analysis, Productivity Analysis, Probability & Statistics for Engineers, Materials Structure & Properties, Intro to Info Systems Engineering, Manufacturing Processes & Analysis, Engineering Product Design, Human Factors Engineering, Operations Research, Engineering Management, Facility Layout & Material Handling, Probability Methods in Operation Research, Discrete Event Simulation, and Supply Chain Analysis.

Degree Requirements

At graduation, students must be able to demonstrate:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
  • An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
  • An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
  • An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
  • An ability to communicate effectively
  • The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
  • A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

Mechanical engineers utilize the principles of force, energy, and motion. They apply these principles to the design and manufacture of a wide range of engineering systems and the processes underlying these systems. Mechanical engineers play significant roles in developing many products and devices such as power plants, automobiles, aircraft, medical devices, and energy systems. ME students may specialize in various tracks, including system control and dynamics, thermal-fluid sciences, design and manufacturing, bio-medical engineering, computational mechanics, micro and nanosystems, and nuclear engineering.


The overall educational objective of the undergraduate program in SCUPI is to educate students with excellent technical capabilities in the mechanical engineering discipline and related fields, who will be responsible citizens and continue their professional advancement through life-long learning.

Degree Requirements

As practicing engineers, our graduates should be able to:

  • Apply sound design methodology in multidisciplinary fields of mechanical engineering.
  • Competently use mathematical methods, engineering analysis, and measurement and instrumentation techniques.
  • Employ effective oral and written communication skills.
  • Understand the environmental, ethical, diversity, cultural, and contemporary aspects of their work.
  • Work collaboratively and effectively in engineering and manufacturing industries. Assume positions of professional leadership in industry and government.

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)

Materials scientists and engineers have abundant and broad career opportunities in the emerging fields of electronics, telecommunication, aeronautics and aerospace, energy, biomedicine, and nanotechnology. Students majoring in this field will acquire training from a number of disciplines, including physics, chemistry, and general engineering. Materials scientists and engineers apply their knowledge to better our lives in a variety of ways, for example, in developing new materials, improving existing materials, and developing new material production processes.. The engineer may be concerned with developing and improving processes for producing materials, developing new materials or improving existing materials, and/or achieving better utilization of materials. New materials must be designed for a variety of functions, e.g., structural, aesthetic, electrical, or magnetic, and operating environments. Materials are dealt with in forms so minute that the work is done under a microscope and so large that special handling cranes are required.

Degree OptionS


Students who choose 4+0 program will finish their four year undergraduate education at SCUPI (inner Sichuan University Campus). Sichuan University will award a Bachelor of Science degree to qualified students who graduate from SCUPI, and all students in this program will receive an institute certificate upon completing their studies.


Students in this program will finish their education with two years at SCUPI and two years at University of Pittsburgh. Students who participate in this program will earn a bachelor’s degree from both Sichuan University and the University of Pittsburgh. Qualified students will be able to continue their graduate studies at Pitt or elsewhere.



Students will finish their education with three years at SCUPI and one year at University of Pittsburgh. Same as 2+2 program, students who participate in 3+1 program will earn a bachelor’s degree from both Sichuan University and the University of Pittsburgh. Qualified students will be able to continue their graduate studies at Pitt or elsewhere.