
Counseling and Advising

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Counseling and Advising



Study Abroad

Career Counseling

Writing Center


 General Counseling

The adjustment from high school to college could be quite overwhelming for many students, especially in an all-English teaching environment at SCUPI. Here, students are encouraged to talk in a non-judgmental environment about concerns and issues they are facing. General counseling includes but is not limited to: anxiety, stress, depression, self-esteem, relationship concerns, grief and loss, family stress, college-related transition, and other developmental issues.

 Academic Counseling

Academic Advising is an opportunity to exchange information designed to empower students to reach their educational goals and gain a clearer understanding of themselves. Advising is a shared responsibility between an adviser and the student. Academic advisers can assist in this process by helping the students understand options, determine resources and, when necessary, identify alternatives. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the student to make decisions about his/her academic goals by creating a plan to reach those goals.

 Study Abroad Counseling

The strong academic programs we offer prepare students to pursue advanced studies worldwide. We have regular seminars to familiarize students with graduate school application processes, and CV and Personal Statement Writing Workshops to help them with application materials. We also provide valuable resources and individual guidance to students interested in pursuing advanced degrees. Through Study Abroad Counseling, SCUPI aims to produce well-prepared and highly competitive applicants for advanced study worldwide.

Career Counseling

Career Services will help students transition into professional career development. It offers a variety of helpful information and resources to support students with their career planning and job searching. Our goal is to develop creative and meaningful opportunities for students to engage in mutually beneficial partnerships.

 English Writing Center

The mission of the Sichuan University Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI) Writing Center is to assist undergraduate and graduate writers in the Sichuan University community to become more proficient communicators in English. The SCUPI Writing Center accomplishes this mission by housing the English Writing Program and oversees undergraduate curriculum of course offerings and tutorials in writing modelled on the University of Pittsburgh Writing Program. In addition, the SCUPI Writing Center offers academic support through one-on-one or small group writing consultation sessions for all language-related issues and for all classes.

 Peer Advising

Experienced students volunteer to serve as peer advisors to freshmen students, offering the perspective of someone who has been where you are now. Peer advisors can share with freshman on how to juggle classes, study effectively, manage time, and choose the best enrichment opportunities.