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Seminar Review | Successful Admissions Seminar for the Information Science Program at the University of Pittsburgh

Published on: July 4, 2024 | Views: 464

In the evening of July 2, 2024 (Tuesday), from 20:00 to 21:00, the Career Advising Group (CA) of the University of Sichuan-Pittsburgh Institute successfully hosted an online seminar for the Master of Science (MS) program in Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh.


The seminar featured a distinguished guest, Professor Daqing He, the Chair of the Department of Information Science and Network Systems at the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. Professor Daqing He not only provided a comprehensive overview of the program’s curriculum, faculty strength, research platforms, and career prospects but also shared his unique insights and research achievements in the field of information science.


At the beginning of the seminar, Professor Daqing He detailed the program’s research accomplishments and highlighted its unique research features, sparking profound interest among faculty members and students alike. Subsequently, he methodically outlined the core courses, elaborated on the program’s training plan, and showcased the optional research and elective courses. By integrating employment statistics, Professor Daqing He addressed concerns regarding career prospects and development paths, reassuring attendees about the bright future in information science. Finally, he encouraged students to embrace the future and face challenges boldly, and intertwine their personal interests with professional aspirations, soaring through the vast realm of information science.


Additionally, the seminar included a dedicated Q&A session, where students actively participated by posing questions, such as course selection, credit requirements, admission timelines, and the implications of extended graduation. Professor Daqing He patiently and thoroughly addressed each inquiry, dispelling doubts and igniting anticipation for their academic journeys ahead.


This seminar not only deepened the understanding and awareness of our faculty and students towards the MS program in Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh but also illuminated new paths for our students’ future educational endeavors. We eagerly anticipate that in the coming days, more talented individuals from our institute will embark on this journey filled with challenges and opportunities, collectively contributing to the advancement of the information science landscape.