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2023 Fall Semester Final Exam Proctoring Workshop

Published on: December 29, 2023 | Views: 930

To help faculties and staffs at SCUPI to better manage their final exams, Academic Affairs Department (AA) held a proctoring workshop on Dec. 29th, 2023.


Under the guidance of AA member, the attendees studied the three documents related to exam management issued by Sichuan University.  Things that need proctors to pay their attention before, during, and after the exams had been emphasized in the workshop.


The head of Integrity and Honesty Committee of SCUPI, Dr. XU Jin, shared his experiences in proctoring and cases violated integrity rules in the past semesters, which helped the faculties to get a better knowledge of proctoring work.


This workshop helped SCUPI faculties and staffs to learn the responsibilities and procedures of proctoring work, which will ensure the stable operation of 2023 fall semester’s final exams.