

Current location: Home - Writing Center - Appointments

SCUPI Writing Center Academic Support 

 In order to make an appointment you will need to click on the link below and choose an available time on our online system:



or scan:   PP电子to give session feedback.


How to Make an Appointment:

  1. Go to your appointments portal //pibb.ppslots88.com/advising/ramonline
  2. Select “SCUPI Passport Login”
  3. Use your Blackboard Login and ID to login to the booking system
  4. This gets to your appointment portal where you can check your appointments
  5. Select “Book Appointments”
  6. Select “Writing Center” for department; and Select Writing Center again for Program
  7. Select a consultant with an availability showing
  8. First select the date (above) and, next, the time (below)
  9. Then select “Submit Reservation”
  10. If you have already made an appointment the system will prevent you from making a new appointment. Please be sure to remind your consultant to mark you as present.
  1. You will receive an email with the booking, and the screen should indicate your booking. Please also WRITE DOWN (or take a picture with your cell phone) your appointment time, location, and consultant number.
  2. At the end of your consultation you will be asked to take an exit survey. You will not get credit if you do not fill out the exit survey.
  3. Remind your consultant to provide you with a Writing Center Session Verification Form.

(Please, be patient our system is taking its time for you! If it takes a long time go back to this page and select the link again and try again!)

How to Cancel an Appointment:

  1. Go to your appointments portal: //pibb.ppslots88.com/advising/ramonline (or click the link above)
  2. Select “My Appointments”
  3. Select “Cancel Appointment”
  4. Enter reason for cancellation
  5. Select “Cancel Reservation”

You are welcome to DROP IN. To find out the available times to drop in please go to the third floor of Zone 3: Rooms 316 and 318. Consultant schedules should be posted on the door. If you drop-in, remind your consultant to add your name to the calendar.

To maximize the effectiveness of your consultation:

  1. come a few minutes early
  2. bring your assignment sheet
  3. unless otherwise notified you are permitted a total of 1-hour of appointments per week.

Note on ENGCMP152A Tutorial:  Do not lose your Writing Center Visit Verification Forms!