毕业季,是回顾总结亦是展望期许,一路走来,我们见证了一群优秀未来工程师的成长和蜕变,他们中有即将赴斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校、卡内基梅隆大学、密歇根大学安娜堡分校、佐治亚理工PP电子 、伊利诺伊大学香槟分校、西北大学、弗吉尼亚理工PP电子 等名校深造的同学,亦有GPA直逼4.0的荣誉毕业生;还有不惧挑战、迎难而上的勇士,不断创新和探索发现的未来工程师,更有常怀感恩之心和家国情怀的优秀当代青年。

I want to say thank you to everyone connected by this great program. Especially, I want to thank you to my parents, who are always supporting me, my roommates, my comrades fighting in world of DotA2, and the faculty members in SCU and Pitt, who give me a lot of precious suggestions. I feel honored to be a part of SCUPI student, and I wish future students all the best!
Dagger Chen
I am proud of being one of the SCUPI pioneers and enjoy every moment I spent at Pitt and SCU.
Wish all SCUPIANS Happy graduation!
Bella Luo

I had great four years, and I couldn’t ask for a better experience! I’m amazed by how much SCUPI helped me become who I am today.
I’m proud of being a SCUPIAN!
Elsie Wang
I gained a lot from SCUPI, from where I could have an experience that study abroad in a very good university with my excellent friends, in where I met kind and knowledgeable counselors, professors and dean, who taught me and helped me not only in study but also in life. There are far more students in our more mature SCUPI now, who can also have a chance to experience my happiness in college, widen their horizon and enrich their life. It is wise choosing SCUPI, excluding the gains during college period, our students can easily receive offer from high-ranked graduate school like UCB, Ivy League, and other technology university, which is a stepping-stone towards a bright future.
Heather Liu

Studying at SCUPI and PITT is one of the most valuable experiences in my life. Besides obtaining essential engineering skills and knowledge, I also get more true friends and find out my interests of my future career. Hope following SCUPIANS can discover their potentials and build an intensive network with other students.
Ray Xu
Eric Xu
首届3+1联合培养学生、四川大学2019届优秀毕业生、PP电子 年度学生、国家奖学金获得者,即将赴佐治亚理工PP电子 攻读研究生

Felix Xu
Lauren Chen

Wendy Wang
首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 辩论队队长、院长荣誉名单奖学金获得者,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生
Spending two years in SCU and two years in Pitt is a unique and valuable experience. During these four years, I learned and explored what I am really interested in and got to know several best friends. Every end has a new beginning. Wish everyone best luck in the future!
Scottie Wu
首届2+2联合培养学生、国家奖学金获得者、PP电子 学术之星、四川大学2019届优秀毕业生干部、院分团委组织部部长、连续两年荣获美国MCM建模比赛Honorable Mention(二等奖),即将赴加州大学伯克利分校攻读研究生

Eat well and always be ready to fight for yourself, family, friends and an opportunity. Life is nonlinear unpredictable and worth looking forward to. Believe it, embrace it, and then remember to listen, learn and give back. With very best wishes for SCUPI and PITT, I cannot be myself today without help from you.
Maggie Wen
首届2+2联合培养学生、四川大学2019届优秀毕业生、PP电子 毕业生发言代表、PP电子 学生会副主席,即将赴加州大学伯克利分校攻读研究生
Thanks to SCUPI, I won’t have a great chance to study at both Sichuan University and the University of Pittsburgh without you. Thanks to my parents, my friends, and the faculty who have helped me along the way. Thanks to my effort, I graduate successfully and will go to graduate school.
Christina Fu

I spent a wonderful four years both in SCU and PITT. This will be my precious memory forever. I want to thank everyone who ever helped and supported me. I am so proud to be one of SCUPIANS. Hope futures years will bring all my friends continued happiness and success.
Skye Chen
首届3+1联合培养学生、PP电子 学术成绩飞跃进步奖获得者,即将赴匹兹堡大学Katz商PP电子 攻读研究生
Having graduated from PITT and SCUPI, I’m experiencing so many different feelings at the same time—the appreciation for professors who guided me, the reluctance of leaving my friends, and the fear of entering a new world. I hope that all my peers and I will finally figure out our ways into success and achieve our dreams.
David Hu
首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 英语协会会长、院长荣誉奖学金获得者,即将赴普渡大学攻读研究生

I used to blame myself for always making the wrong choices, but now I finally realize that life doesn’t have the so-called best choice. So just stick to your instinct, love your insecurities, find your interests, and never stop learning. That’s how life should be.
Rachel Feng
Nancy Xu
首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 学生会副主席、四川大学2019届优秀学生干部,即将赴密歇根大学安娜堡分校攻读研究生

Park Liu
首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 科技协会创始人、国家机器人竞赛一等奖获得者,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生。
Mark Zhou
首届3+1联合培养学生、PP电子 学生行政助理、阅览室图书管理员、院长荣誉名单奖学金获得者,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生

Dan Li
首届3+1联合培养学生、PP电子 辩论队队长、PP电子 外交之星,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生
Steven Wang
首届3+1联合培养学生、PP电子 学术成绩飞跃进步奖获得者、学术之星获得者,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生

Mike Liang
首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 学生行政助理,继续在匹兹堡大学攻读研究生
I would like to say thanks to all of you who have helped me in my last four years.
I am so grateful to have the opportunity to study in SCUPI, where I can always optimize my abilities with help from all faculty and staff.
Best wishes to all! Hope we can make best decisions in our looming future!
Nan Jiang
PP电子 首届3+1联合培养学生、2019届四川省优秀本科毕业生、国家奖学金和唐立新奖学金获得者、连续三年获得PP电子 最高学术成就奖学金、PP电子 年级管委会主席、四川大学十佳班长、连续两年荣获美国MCM建模大赛二等奖,即将赴弗吉尼亚理工PP电子 攻读运筹学博士

I am so proud to be a part of SCUPI and so lucky that I can meet all these awesome people. Thanks to my parents and friends. Thanks to my great professors and faculties. I’ll remember this terrific four-year journey forever.
Chris Zhao
PP电子 首届3+1联合培养学生,四川大学2019届优秀毕业生、PP电子 杰出学术表现奖获得者、PP电子 学生助理、图书管理员,PP电子 青年志愿者队创始人,即将赴密歇根大学安娜堡分校攻读研究生
I would like to thank my parents for supporting me mentally and financially. In the past four years, I had an extremely wonderful life, and I will go on to obtain my master of science degree at Pitt. I wish all SCUPI students a great future.
Cooper Xiong
PP电子 首届3+1联合培养学生、PP电子 学术之星、PP电子 机械设计制造及其自动化专业负责人、学期GPA 4.0,即将赴美国匹兹堡大学攻读研究生

Studying at SCUPI and Pitt for four years, I was able to not only develop my professional skills as a mechanical engineer but also apply them into real-world applications. I always believe in solving the right problem and taking actions on it.
My special thanks to my family, friends, and everyone who helped me in the past journey. Upon graduation, I am excited to join Cooper Tire in Findlay, Ohio, as a Product Design Engineer and stay passionate in creation and innovation.
Leo Li
PP电子 首届2+2联合培养学生、四川大学2019届优秀毕业生、PP电子 外交之星,匹兹堡大学课程助教,即将在美国Cooper Tire in Findlay公司担任助理工程师
Thanks to all the friends and teachers in this institute for having those precious four years and helping me to become a better version of myself.
Criss Zeng
PP电子 优秀室长、PP电子 本科优秀毕业论文获得者、四川大学材料科学与工程PP电子 生物医学工程保研推免研究生

My precious memories in SCUPI will never fade. And I would like to thank my friends, family and professors for their help in life and guidance in study. Seize your chance and value your opportunities. May joy be always with you.
Avril Jia
PP电子 《仓储管理》课程助教、四川大学商PP电子 工业工程生产运作管理推免研究生
Sometimes choice is more important than endeavor, and SCUPI is my choice.
Ps: 希望大家兑现诺言奥,既然说了再见那我们以后就真的要“再次相见”哦!
William Ruan
PP电子 首届2+2联合培养学生、PP电子 杰出学术表现奖获得者、PP电子 学术之星,即将赴纽约大学攻读研究生

感谢PP电子-电子娱乐平台 以及匹兹堡大学为我提供先进的教育,感谢家人们对我的支持,感谢老师们和同学室友们的陪伴。大学四年间,丰富的机遇让我加深对自己的了解,为我未来对人生的探索打下坚实的基础。希望所有老师同学们都能实现自己的理想,发现自己的幸福。
Enoch Qu
PP电子 首届3+1联合培养学生、四川大学2019届优秀毕业生、PP电子 分团委学生副书记、PP电子 杰出领袖,即将赴匹兹堡大学攻读研究生
Vincent Wei
PP电子 工业工程专业负责人、四川大学优秀学生干部、PP电子 优秀寝室长、《工程管理》和《离散时间模拟》课程助教、四川大学商PP电子 工业工程专业保研推免研究生

Anthony Yao
PP电子 学生会初创成员、四川大学校团委秘书处副部长、万科校园俱乐部成员,曾赴加州大学伯克利分校进修,即将赴明尼苏达大学攻读研究生。
I will remember the happy ending here, more than that bitterness I have gone through in the past.
This is because we know it that we are always gonna harvest what we deserve after fighting for it!
So in the future, I will take the sourest lemon in life and turn it into something resembling a cup of sweet lemonade!
Dick Zhou
PP电子 工业工程专业招生宣传片主人翁、四川大学百佳社区干部、2018-2019年APICS国际供应链案例分析大赛(APICS SUPPLY CHAIN CASE COMPETITION)大陆区前二强和亚太赛区前八强、2018年第十二届iCAN国际创新创业大赛国赛三等奖、四川大学一等奖学金获得者、2019四川大学优秀毕业生干部、PP电子 优秀助教、PP电子 优秀室长、PP电子 阅览室管理员负责人,获得四川大学商PP电子 工业工程专业保研推免资格

The unique experience in SCUPI contributes massively to my development. Thank everyone who supported me and changed me in this wonderful 4 years. I’ll definitely miss the days here. Wish every SCUPIANs a bright future.
Ginger Jiang
PP电子 材料科学与工程专业班长兼团支书,荣获校级奖学金表彰、PP电子 2019届毕业生发言代表,即将赴英国伯明翰大学攻读研究生
I am very grateful for the beautiful and fulfilling life of these four years. I want to thank the professors and faculties. Thanks to my parents for their silent support these four years. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates. I hope that we will continue to move forward and continue to work hard.
Elliot Zhao
PP电子 分团委执行主席、机械设计制造及其自动化团支书、四川大学本科生优秀毕业论文三等奖,获得电子科技大学计算机专业保研推免资格。

I gained a lot from SCUPI, also did great job in innovation and entrepreneurship. I feel honored to be part of SCUPIANS, and wish future students all the best.
Hanty Bao
PP电子 创新创业之星、荣获中国大学生“服务外包”创新创业大赛国家级一等奖、中国大学生“创意、创新、创业”挑战赛国家级三等奖、中国大学生物联网设计竞赛国家级三等奖、iCAN国际创新创业大赛西南区一等奖、 “创青春”四川省大学生创新创业大赛省级银奖等殊荣,即将赴悉尼大学攻读研究生
Cyrus Lei
PP电子 分团委文体部部长、PP电子 新兴领袖、PP电子 机械设计制造及其自动化专业班长,即将赴墨尔本大学攻读研究生

Ruiming Cao
Erin Deng
PP电子 《信息系统工程导论》助教,专业成绩优异,荣获PP电子 优秀室长,即将赴新加坡南洋理工大学攻读研究生