
David Jeffrey

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英国伯明翰大学 英语为第二语言教学专业 硕士

经历: 日本亚洲大学、阿拉伯联合酋长国扎耶德大学



David Jeffrey在成为学术英语教师之前,曾从事社会经济研究工作,随后在日本、中东和中国从事学术英语教学三十余年。




312085030 Seminar in Composition

312002030 English Composition

312088030 Esl Writing Advanced


1.Jeffrey, D. (2021). Ancient Daoist Wisdom and its Associated Principle of Yin-Yangfor Contemporary Classrooms as Foundations for a Harmonious World, Journal of Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 28(3), 237-250

2.Jeffrey, D. (2020). Harmonious Classrooms with the Daoist Principle of Wuwei. Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 9(2), 21-43

3.Jeffrey, D. and Clark, R. (2019). Supplementing Western Perspectives of Learner-Centered Instruction with a Daoist Approach towards Authentic Power-Sharing in the Classroom,International Journal of Contemporary Education, 2(1), 9 – 16

4.Jeffrey, D. (2019). Zhuangzi in the Classroom: A Teacher Diary Study, Journal ofDaoist Studies, Volume12, 211 – 224

5.Jeffrey, D. (2019). Towards an Authentic Classroom Environment with a Teacher Diary Study Based on the I Ching, the Dao De Chingand the Zhuangzi, Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 8(1), 75-91

6.Jeffrey, D. (2018). A Perspective of Democratic Teaching Through the Lens of Research on the Application of Daoism, Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 7(1), 68 – 70

7.Jeffrey, D. (2015). DaoistWisdom for Teachers: A Diary Study, Journal of Daoist Studies, Volume 8, 152–164