发布时间: 2025年1月7日 | 查看数: 242


新年的脚步临近,PP电子 向你们送上新岁的祝愿。在即将展开的日历上,我们希望你写下与SCUPI共度的美好:我们希望你的视野不断拓宽,向上的脚步永不疲倦,勇气在你的胸中持续奔涌;我们更希望你在SCUPI与人建立新的联结,创造新的体验,留下青春灿烂永恒的回忆。祝你们新年快乐,平安康健,学业有成,巳巳如愿!

Dear SCUPIans,
As the new year approaches, Sichuan University – Pittsburgh Institute (SCUPI) extends warmest wishes to you. May this year be a journey of joy and personal growth, rich with opportunities to forge meaningful connections and embrace new experiences that brighten your path ahead. We hope this fresh chapter brings you the energy and courage to explore uncharted territories, broadening your horizons and enriching your life.
At SCUPI, we are committed to supporting you as you pursue your passions and strive toward your dreams. Wishing you a prosperous and healthy New Year, where every effort leads to success and aspirations come to fruition!

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The SCUPI Family